Results for 'Aimee Mendoza Lafontaine'

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    Media Review.Aimee Mendoza Lafontaine - 2003 - Educational Studies 34 (2):262-265.
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    Preface.Priti Ramamurthy & Ashwini Tambe - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):503.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface This special issue provokes a conversation between decolonial and postcolonial feminisms by asking what they are, how they speak about each other, and how they can speak to each other. Read together, the articles engage and sometimes trouble the temporal and spatial distinctions drawn between decolonial and postcolonial approaches. Kiran Asher explores overlaps between decolonial and postcolonial thought by comparing the ideas of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Silvia (...)
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    A Meta-Analytical Assessment of the Effect of Deontological Evaluations and Teleological Evaluations on Ethical Judgments/intentions.Aimee E. Smith, Natalina Zlatevska, Rafi M. M. I. Chowdhury & Alex Belli - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (3):553-588.
    Deontological and teleological evaluations are widely utilized in the context of consumer decision-making. Despite their use, the differential effect of these distinct types of evaluations, and the conditions under which they hold, remains an unresolved issue. Thus, we conduct a meta-analysis of 316 effect sizes, from 53 research articles, to evaluate the extent to which deontological and teleological evaluations influence ethical judgments and intentions, and under what circumstances the influence occurs. The effect is explored across three categories of moderators: (1) (...)
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    Expectancy violations promote learning in young children.Aimee E. Stahl & Lisa Feigenson - 2017 - Cognition 163 (C):1-14.
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    Resistance, redistribution, and power in the Fair Trade banana initiative.Aimee Shreck - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (1):17-29.
    The Fair Trade movement seeks to alter conventional trade relations through a system of social and environmental standards, certification, and labels designed to help shorten the social distance between consumers in the North and producers in the South. The strategy is based on working both ‘in and against’ the same global capitalist market that it hopes to alter, raising questions about if and how Fair Trade initiatives exhibit counter-hegemonic potential to transform the conventional agro-food system. This paper considers the multiple (...)
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    The Cybernetic Matrix of `French Theory'.Céline Lafontaine - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (5):27-46.
    This article aims to draw a portrait of the influence of cybernetics on soft science. To this end, structuralism, post-structuralism and postmodern philosophy will be successively analyzed in a perspective based on importing concepts stemming from the cybernetic paradigm (information, feedback, entropy, complexity, etc.). By focusing more specifically on the American postwar context, we intend to remind the audience that many soft science specialists were involved in the elaboration of this ‘new science’. We will then retrace the influence of the (...)
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    Nurse ethical awareness: Understanding the nature of everyday practice.Aimee Milliken & Pamela Grace - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (5):517-524.
    Much attention has been paid to the role of the nurse in recognizing and addressing ethical dilemmas. There has been less emphasis, however, on the issue of whether or not nurses understand the ethical nature of everyday practice. Awareness of the inherently ethical nature of practice is a component of nurse ethical sensitivity, which has been identified as a component of ethical decision-making. Ethical sensitivity is generally accepted as a necessary precursor to moral agency, in that recognition of the ethical (...)
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    Nurse ethical sensitivity: An integrative review.Aimee Milliken - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (3):278-303.
    Background: Ethical sensitivity has been identified as a foundational component of ethical action. Diminished or absent ethical sensitivity can result in ethically incongruent care, which is inconsistent with the professional obligations of nursing. As such, assessing ethical sensitivity is imperative in order to design interventions to facilitate ethical practice and to ensure nurses recognize the nature and extent of professional ethical obligations. Aim: To review and critique the state of the science of nurse ethical sensitivity and to synthesize findings across (...)
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    Ethics Consultations at a Major Academic Medical Center: A Retrospective, Longitudinal Analysis.Aimee Milliken, Andrew Courtwright, Pamela Grace, Elizabeth Eagan-Bengston, Monique Visser & Martha Jurchak - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (4):275-286.
    Growing evidence suggests that nurses and other clinicians often feel insufficiently equipped to manage ethical issues that arise in their practice (Truog et al. 2015; Woods 2005; Darmon et al. 201...
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    Refining moral agency: Insights from moral psychology and moral philosophy.Aimee Milliken - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (1):e12185.
    Research in moral psychology has recently raised questions about the impact of context and the environment on the way the human mind works. In a 2012 call to action, Paley wrote: “If some of the conclusions arrived at by moral psychologists are true, they are directly relevant to the way nurses think about moral problems, and present serious challenges to favoured concepts in nursing ethics, such as the ethics of care, virtue, and the unity of the person” (p. 80). He (...)
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  11. Designing Robots for Care: Care Centered Value-Sensitive Design. [REVIEW]Aimee Wynsberghe - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):407-433.
    The prospective robots in healthcare intended to be included within the conclave of the nurse-patient relationship—what I refer to as care robots—require rigorous ethical reflection to ensure their design and introduction do not impede the promotion of values and the dignity of patients at such a vulnerable and sensitive time in their lives. The ethical evaluation of care robots requires insight into the values at stake in the healthcare tradition. What’s more, given the stage of their development and lack of (...)
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    “A Metaphysical Attitude Towards Life”: Ernst Troeltsch on Protestantism and German National Identity.Aimee Burant - 2007 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 14 (1):81-100.
    Für Ernst Troeltsch ist das Verständnis der Gegenwart das Ziel der Geschichtswissenschaft. Die These dieses Artikels ist, daß Troeltsch in seiner Auslegung der Geschichte des Protestantismus die Bedeutung des protestantischen Christentums für moderne deutsche Identität feststellt. Sein Argument, daß der lutherische Idealismus den “metaphysisch-religiösen” Geist der Deutschen untermauert, basiert auf einer kulturtheoretisch geprägten Analyse nationaler Identität und wird im Kontext der Debatten des späten neunzehnten und frühen zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts über den konfessionellen Charakter der deutschen Nationalität artikuliert. Dieser Beitrag widmet sich (...)
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    Engaging in Social Action at Work.Aimee Dars Ellis - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:253-264.
    Many organizations are utilizing corporate social responsibility initiatives that require employee participation. These initiatives, which involve social action at work (SAW), can be a source of reputational gains, benefit the community, and increase employee organizational identification (Ellis, 2009). Although research has been conducted on employee volunteer programs (EVP), one aspect of SAW, those studies have not identified the characteristics of employees who are most likely to participate in EVP nor have they considered the wide range of SAW programs. In the (...)
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    For Me or for You? The Relative Power of Rebates for a Cause.Aimee Dars Ellis & Michael McCall - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:60-65.
    In traditional rebates, consumers submit proof of purchase for an item and then receive a portion of the purchase price, usually in the form of a check or gift card. In contrast, when a consumer redeems a cause rebate, a cash reward is given not to the consumer but to a non-profit organization (Ellis & McCall, 2011). In this paper, we aim to determine the attitudes toward and effectiveness of cause rebates versus traditional rebates. This will help marketers develop more (...)
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  15. Problems in the Methodology of Dental Enamel Hypoplasia Analyses.Aimee Hindle - 1998 - Nexus 13 (1):3.
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    Individuation in Crisis - Anguish, Aloneness, and Loneliness in Existential Phenomenology.Simon Lafontaine - 2024 - Schutzian Research 16:171-188.
    This essay explores the theme of individuation in existential phenomenology, focusing on the contributions of Alfred Schutz and Maurice Natanson, one of Schutz’s students during his tenure at the New School for Social Research in New York. To mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Social Science Archive in Konstanz, I reflect on the theory of multiple realities and its application to issues of mobility and isolation. Following a lead given by Natanson in his critique of “life‑world optimism” sketched in a (...)
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  17. Lonergan's Functional Specialties as a Model for Doctrinal Development: John Courtney Murray and The Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Religious Freedom.Raymond Lafontaine - 2007 - Gregorianum 88 (4):780-805.
    L'influence de John Courtney Murray sur le développement - enchâssé dans Dignitatis Humanae- de l'enseignement de l'Église sur la liberté religieuse est largement connu. L'article montre que le caractère définitif de la contribution de Murray provient de deux perspectives centrales, l'une et l'autre issues des écrits de Bernard Lonergan. Tout d'abord, l'appropriation par Murray de la notion du «surgissement historique de la conscience» - que l'on ne conçoit pas simplement comme une attention aux événements et aux contextes historiques, mais aussi (...)
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    La philosophie d'É. Boutroux.Albert P. Lafontaine - 1920 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    The Significance of Mobility in Alfred Schutz’s Theory of Action.Simon Lafontaine - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (4):567-584.
    Mobility has become a central topic of contemporary social research with the mobility turn initiated in the 2000s. In order to grasp the complexity of the global order, its authors have attempted to decenter the importance of human subjectivity and to envisage a “sociology beyond societies”. The present paper considers this interpretive context to demonstrate the contemporary relevance of Alfred Schutz’s theory of action, and to propose a notion of mobility intrinsically linked to the performance of subjectivity. By revisiting the (...)
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    Bergson y su relación con las imágenes.Fernando Alexis Sánchez Mendoza & María del Rosario Guerra González - 2022 - Otrosiglo 6 (1):72-100.
    El presente trabajo explora la postura bergsoniana en torno a la imagen, toda vez que es constituida, de fondo, por la pregunta ¿qué se puede conocer? A propósito del tema Bergson se ubica en un punto intermedio entre el idealismo y el realismo, considera que la imagen es aquello que es más que una representación pero menos que la cosa en sí que el realismo pretende mostrar como objeto de conocimiento. La comprensión de la imagen no sólo lleva a escenarios (...)
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    Escritos escogidos.Angélica Mendoza - 2003 - Buenos Aires: Catálogos.
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    Duty, Distress, and Organ Donation.Aimee Milliken & Anji Wall - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (6):9-10.
    A man of twenty‐two is admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU)after intentionally overdosing on Tylenol. The nurse asks the intensivist on call if someone from the local organ procurement organization should be called in to speak to the family, given a worsening clinical picture and the likelihood that the patient will progress to brain death. The patient's condition is such that multiple organs, including his heart and lungs, could be donated. The intensivist instructs the nurse not to call, as (...)
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    Panser la presse haïtienne: perspectives herméneutiques à une autorégulation pragmatique.Lafontaine Orvild - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'insouciance et l'écrasement de la dignité humaine, maintes fois reprochés aux Haïtiens, ont fini par abattre la déontologie des médias et des journalistes. Les propriétaires de médias, les directeurs d'opinions et les journalistes censés être les détenteurs de la mission d'informer ont pu s'arracher à un minimum de conscience professionnelle pour hisser le métier d'informer au pinacle de la vénalité. Les symptômes pathologiques d'une presse vénale sont patents et la banalisation dont ils font l'objet confirme la thèse selon laquelle la (...)
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    Spiderman is Art.Aimee Phenicie - 2008 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 8:12-12.
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  25. Philosophy in the early years and foundation stage : playing with ideas.Aimee Quickfall - 2018 - In Pat Beckley (ed.), The philosophy and practice of outstanding early years provision. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Feeling in the dark: Empathy, whiteness, and miscege-nation in.Aimee Marie Carrillo Rowe - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (2).
    : Carrillo Rowe provides an analysis of Monster's Ball as a cultural narrative of white masculinity's redemption from the atrocities of racism through an interracial love story that erases white masculinity's national history and implication in a racist past while it displaces the black female body from that history and identification with the struggle for reparation. The nexus of sex, race, and desire is used to produce a new whiteness consistent with the emerging national multicultural logics of color blindness by (...)
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    Francisco Suárez, ¿un científico renacentista? Estado de la cuestión en términos de aproximación bibliográfica.José María Felipe Mendoza - 2020 - Franciscanum 62 (174):1-23.
    El presente trabajo desarrolla una breve introducción a la ausencia u obscurecimiento de la doctrina epistémica de Francisco Suárez bajo una triple restricción especulativa: 1. se referirá exclusivamente a las investigaciones contemporáneas sobre el pensamiento de Suárez, donde se observarían sugerencias y consideraciones generales sobre su epistemología; 2. a las Disputaciones Metafísicas, y a los filósofos y teólogos allí consignados, y en derredor de ello, a la conflictiva relación doctrinal con Tomás de Aquino y su vinculación con Duns Escoto. A (...)
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    The impact of late, non-balanced bilingualism on cognitive performance.Mariana Vega-Mendoza, Holly West, Antonella Sorace & Thomas H. Bak - 2015 - Cognition 137:40-46.
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    Class Politics and Agricultural Exceptionalism in California's Organic Agriculture Movement.Aimee Shreck, Sandy Brown & Christy Getz - 2008 - Politics and Society 36 (4):478-507.
    Opposition within the organic agriculture community to a state regulatory initiative intended to close a loophole on the prohibition of stoop labor in California agriculture illuminates critical tensions around the “labor question” underpinning California's rapidly expanding organic sector. Through an exploration of the contradictions between the political economic realities of organic agriculture, the lived realities of farm workers, and the ideological framework of “agricultural exceptionalism” espoused in the organic community, this article challenges widely held assumptions that organic agriculture embodies a (...)
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    Dealing with treatment and transfer requests: how PGD-professionals discuss ethical challenges arising in everyday practice.Melisa Soto-Lafontaine, Wybo Dondorp, Veerle Provoost & Guido de Wert - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (3):375-386.
    How do professionals working in pre-implantation genetic diagnosis reflect upon their decision making with regard to ethical challenges arising in everyday practice? Two focus group discussions were held with staff of reproductive genetic clinics: one in Utrecht with PGD-professionals from Dutch PGD-centres and one in Prague with PGD-professionals working in centres in different European countries. Both meetings consisted of two parts, exploring participants’ views regarding treatment requests for conditions that may not fulfill traditional indications criteria for PGD, and treatment and (...)
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    Ethical Awareness Scale: Replication Testing, Invariance Analysis, and Implications.Aimee Milliken, Larry Ludlow & Pamela Grace - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (4):231-240.
    Ethical awareness enables nurses to recognize the ethical implications of all practice actions, and is an important component of safe and high quality nursing care (Milliken 2016; Milliken and Grac...
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    From Non-symbolic to Symbolic Proportions and Back: A Cuisenaire Rod Proportional Reasoning Intervention Enhances Continuous Proportional Reasoning Skills.Roberto A. Abreu-Mendoza, Linsah Coulanges, Kendell Ali, Arthur B. Powell & Miriam Rosenberg-Lee - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The persistent educational challenges that fractions pose call for developing novel instructional methods to better prepare students for fraction learning. Here, we examined the effects of a 24-session, Cuisenaire rod intervention on a building block for symbolic fraction knowledge, continuous and discrete non-symbolic proportional reasoning, in children who have yet to receive fraction instruction. Participants were 34 second-graders who attended the intervention (intervention group) and 15 children who did not participate in any sessions (control group). As attendance at the intervention (...)
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    Support group or transgender lobby? Representing Mermaids in the British press.Aimee Bailey & Jai Mackenzie - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This article examines representations of Mermaids, a charity that supports trans young people and their families, in the British press. Using corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis, we identify and chart patterns in reporting between Mermaids’ inception as a charity in 2015, and 2022, a turbulent year for both the charity and trans people in the UK more generally. The findings show that, in the early years, there is relatively little attention to Mermaids in the press. Where they are mentioned, the charity (...)
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    Deliberative Democracy and Corporate Governance.Aimee E. Barbeau - 2016 - Business Ethics Journal Review 4 (6):34-40.
    Jeffrey Moriarty argues for a return to a robust notion of stakeholder theory involving direct procedural voting by stakeholders. He asserts that such voting offers the best possible chance of restraining firm behavior and taking into account all stakeholder interests. I argue, however, that Moriarty proceeds with an overly narrow conception of democracy, ignoring problems that arise from procedural voting. Specifically, paradoxes in voting procedures, the tyranny of the majority, and the inefficacy of representation advantage well-organized and moneyed interests. A (...)
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    When Societal Structural Issues Become Patient Problems: The Role of Clinical Ethics Consultation.Aimee Milliken, Martha Jurchak & Nicholas Sadovnikoff - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (5):7-9.
    The debate about health insurance coverage and the related issue of unequal access to health care turn on fundamental questions of justice, but for an individual patient like DM, the abstract question about who is deserving of health insurance becomes a very concrete problem that has a profound impact on care and livelihood. DM's circumstances left him stuck in the hospital. A satisfactory discharge plan remained elusive; his insurance coverage severely limited the number and type of facilities that would accept (...)
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  36. Crimmigration and the Ethics of Migration.José Jorge Mendoza - 2020 - Social Philosophy Today 36 (1):49-68.
    David Miller’s defense of a state’s presumptive right to exclude non-refugee immigrants rests on two key distinctions. The first is that immigration controls are “preventative” and not “coercive.” In other words, when a state enforces its immigration policy it does not coerce noncitizens into doing something as much as it prevents them from doing a very specific thing (e.g., not entering or remaining within the state), while leaving other options open. Second, he makes a distinction between “denying” people their human (...)
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    Estructura intencional y libre fantasía en Ideas I de Edmund Husserl.Ricardo Mendoza-Canales - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):421-440.
    El presente artículo desarrolla un análisis crítico de papel metodológico que desempeña la libre fantasía en Ideas I. Haciendo visible la estrecha relación entre las modalizaciones de conciencia y la estructura noético-noemática de los actos intencionales, se demostrará la necesaria complementariedad de los métodos de las reducciones eidética y fenomenológica para el proyecto de Husserl de una crítica fenomenológica del conocimiento. Con ello se busca poner de relieve que el rendimiento de la fantasía tuvo un impacto metodológico decisivo para la (...)
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    Performing the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos.Aimee Slaughter - 2024 - History of Science 62 (2):305-325.
    Los Alamos, New Mexico has an enduring and complicated relationship with its past. During World War II, its residents worked to create the world’s first atomic weapons. The nuclear legacies of the Manhattan Project are global, but in contemporary Los Alamos the Project is often primarily considered a local history before a national or international one. The community’s modern identity is constructed in part through creating its history, and this article studies two children’s performances of the Manhattan Project past. The (...)
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    Stories from the Trenches: Reflections on Integrating Sustainability Into CSR/BE Courses.Aimee Dars Ellis - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:383-389.
    In this paper, I provide a number of suggested exercises and assignments for integrating sustainability into Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics classes, as well as other classes offered in Business Schools. I developed or adapted these activities and have successfully used them in a range of classes. Not only do these activities engage students and promote creativity, they also promote critical thinking in the classroom.
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    Town-Gown Partnerships: Experiential Exercises for Education in Social Innovation.Aimee Dars Ellis, Duncan Duke, G. Scott Erickson, Marian Brown & Katherine Oertel - 2013 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 24:278-283.
    Experiential education produces numerous benefits to students in terms of higher order thinking skills such as the ability to evaluate, analyze, and synthesizeinformation , engagement , and work-readiness . Partnering with community organizations provides a means to create experiential education opportunities for students. In this symposium, we discussed three examples of experiential education to promote learning around themes of sustainability, providing a brief outline of the activities, the intended outcomes, and the lessons learned from our experiences. We concluded with a (...)
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  41. L'église aux trois croix de Güllüdere en Cappadoce et le probleme du passage du decar'iconoclaste'au decar figure.Jacqueline Lafontaine-Dosogne - 1965 - Byzantion 35:175-207.
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    La philosophie de Bergson.Albert P. Lafontaine - 1923 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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  43. COMMENTARY-A Tale of Two Worlds: Apocalypse, 4Chan, WikiLeaks and the Silent Protocol Wars.Nicolás Mendoza - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 166:2.
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  44. Estado peligroso: Breve análisis.Juan R. Mendoza Díaz - forthcoming - Enfoques.
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  45. Los nombres infinitos según Ockham.Celina A. Lértora Mendoza - 1987 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 60:383-403.
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    Reflexions on the Motive Power of Fire: A Critical Edition with the Surviving ManuscriptsSadi Carnot Robert Fox.Eric Mendoza - 1987 - Isis 78 (3):492-493.
  47. Sistematización de la sublínea de investigación en socialización política de la Maestría en Desarrollo Educativo y Social.Claudia Patricia Roa Mendoza, Víctor Manuel Portugal Ortiz & Nixon Armando Fandiño - 2013 - Revista Aletheia 5 (1).
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    VERDAD, APODICTICIDAD Y ARGUMENTACIÓN - Algunos casos de S. Tomas, Aristóteles y Averroes Presentes.Celina A. Létora Mendoza - 2001 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46 (3):417-430.
    En varios pasajes de su Comentario a la Física S. Tomás polemiza con Averroes a propósito del tipo y valor de algunas argumentaciones de Aristóteles. Se aprecia uma divergencia acerca de las condiciones epistemológicas para considerar “apodíctica” uma demostración, y también sobre el valor de las argumentaciones probables. Se sugiere que la búsqueda de la intentio Aristotelis pudo estar condicionada en cada caso por la propia visión tanto de la hermenéutica histórica como de la metodologia.
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    Reassessing ‘ability’ grouping: improving practice for equity and attainment.Aimee Smith - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (4):513-515.
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    Hijacking Sustainability: Capitalism, Militarism, and the Struggle for Collective Life (review).Aimee Wilson - 2010 - Symploke 18 (1-2):387-389.
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